Focus your appraisals on corporate objectives
The following short video highlights the need for focusing appraisals on corporate objectives.
So if the next question you have is how exactly you use kippy to start objective based appraisals, this article shows you some simple steps to get going.
Firstly, I will assume you've already registered for kippy and are logged in as the system owner. The getting started guides show you how to set up your first Objective and KPI - and set forecasts and actuals.
When setting up a KPI, you can set a KPI Owner. This is the person ultimately responsible for the performance of this KPI. The benefit of assigning a KPI to a person, is that you can then use the performance of that KPI to determine the appraisal and feedback that person should receive.
In the example below, Bob is the owner for the following KPI.

Now, looking at Bob's individual performance summary, you can see he is the owner for one KPI - along with the score for that KPI.

Obviously, the individual performance summary shows a lot more useful information too, such as, Bob's team, the score for that team, Bob's projects/milestones - and the ability to leave Bob notes and feedback.
The next bit we will focus on are the Competencies.
Kippy comes pre-configured with some common Competencies, which you can add, remove and edit in the Settings menu. You can also give them different weights and alter them for managers and non-managers.
For now, as Bob's manager, I'm going to set his competencies like below.

As you can see, to go with the score for the KPI Bob owns, he now also has a Competency Score. This can be used to compare his performance to his previous and future appraisals - and to compare him to his peers.
In combination with the scores for any project and milestones Bob could be the owner for, this gives a great summary of his performance - ready for you to easily leave some notes for him with additional feedback and guidance.
So that's it. You can add more users, teams, KPIs, projects and appraisals for any reporting period - knowing that all the governance, privacy and auditing is already in place.
The following video shows it all in action.
To set up your appraisal cycle, go through each of the settings in kippy to configure the system to match the needs of your organisation.
The key questions to help you determine how to run your performance and appraisal cycle will include:
- Do you want to allow users to perform self-appraisals?
- Which competencies do you want your staff to measured against?
- Do you want all staff to be measured against the same competencies, or should they be specific by job role?
- Should all competencies carry the same weightage, or should certain competency weightages difffer for managers and non-managers?
- What should the weightage be for KPI vs Competency scores to determine the overall employee score? For example, should be 50:50, or should it be skewed differently for managers vs non-managers and/or different job roles?
- Should all competencies be scored 0 to 100? Or do they need to be within a range e.g. 60 to 140 ?
- What are the ranges of the rating bands employees fall into based their overall KPI and Competency score?
- Must managers always provide at least some notes on each competency appraisal?
- Should the score of the non-cumulative KPIs be based on the last period's score, or the average of all the period scores for that year?
- Are there any individual KPI/Competency skews that need to be applied to an employee, not determined by their job role?
All these questions will help your kippy system owner set up your kippy instance appropriately.
The other thing to determine is the internal workflow your appraisal process will follow. This will include:
- When does the appraisal phase start?
- When should staff stop updating KPI performance metrics that those appraisals will be based upon?
- When should staff be allowed to start and stop providing self-appraisals?
- When should managers have completed all appraisals?
- When should the overall company-wide employee review process start and end?
- When should the next KPI performance cycle re-open?
As an example, a typical flow in an organisation may look something like this.
Phase 1: Set up
Jan 1: Finalise all setup including KPI and competency settings.
Jan 1: Open goal and target setting of all KPIs.
Jan 31: All KPI target setting is locked for the year (and now only managed by exception).
Phase 2: Run
Feb 7: All January KPI actuals are submitted and locked (and now only managed by exception).
Feb 1 - Dec 1: KPI actuals are submitted monthly. Self-appraisals and informal manager appraisals are conducted regularly to provide continuous feedback.
Phase 3: Review
Dec 15: All December KPI actuals are submitted and KPI submission is locked.
Dec 19: Self-appraisals are turned off.
Dec 25: All manager led appraisals are completed and turned off.
Dec 31: Organisation-wide review of team and relative individual performance concludes based on system reports and analysis. Please note, there are different dashboards and reports for "LIVE performance and appraisals scores" vs "Reports for performance and appraisals scores at the time of the LAST APPRAISAL".
Then, on Jan 1 the following year, the cycle can repeat.
Please note, kippy does not mandate a particular performance cycle on your organisation. Instead, it is flexible to fit your internal business processes.
I hope this helps - any questions - please contact us via the Live Chat or at
CEO and Founder
kippy - performance management ... made simple