Personal goals and self-appraisals
You have probably heard old adages like "If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail” .... or the slightly catchier, "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail".
Well, setting personal goals and introspection can definitely help you be successful. As well as the obvious benefits of having a longer-term vision for career progression, they can also help with:
- short-term motivation,
- reducing stress,
- improve all-round mental health,
- consolidating your own strengths,
- focusing on areas you need to most improve,
- and prepare you to participate constructively in your next evaluation, to help achieve the outcome you actually want.
Kippy helps facilitate a culture of personal goal setting and self-appraisals, in your organisation, for all your staff.
In this article, I will summarise how self-appraisals and personal goals, can be set up and used, in a typical evaluation process.
First, I will show how self-appraisals can be performed, and subsequently, manager approved.
The first thing to note, is that everything in kippy is configurable. So first ensure that Self-appraisals are turned on in the Settings screen, by your system owner. If not, a user will not be able to edit or save an appraisal for themselves.
Once turned on, when a user goes to the Appraisals screen, they will be able to appraise themselves against the configured Competencies.

Please note, the Competency score from self-appraisals will NOT be reflected yet in the Employee Rating Report. Not until it is approved by a manager.
Also note, the appraisal is highlighted in yellow to indicate it is a "self-appraisal".
At this point, kippy will do two things:
a) the user will receive an email with their self-appraisal attached as a PDF, and
b) the user's manager will be emailed, to notify them that a self-appraisal requires review.

Now, when a manager logs in, they will be able to navigate to that user's appraisal to review and adjust it as appropriate.

The user will receive an email notification that they have been appraised by their manager (with a PDF attachment of the appraisal).
And the manager's appraisal WILL now be included in the Employee Rating Report.

And as per usual, the two can leave rich notes for each other (e.g. about improvement plans, courses to attend, etc.) that will be maintained, along with any historical appraisals, in an immutable audit log.

Personal goals
Next, in this section, I will show how personal goals can be proposed and then manager reviewed.
When a user is appraised, a summary of the KPIs, Projects and Milestones they are an owner for, is presented on the Appraisals screen.
These owned KPIs, Projects and Milestones, can be in any Team in the organisation. However, the Team structure can also be extended to include boards for each employee. You can learn more about how to set that up in the Manager Overview here.
For this example the manager will create a board for a user called Bob by clicking the add button on the Teams screen.

Immediately, Bob will be:
- emailed an invite to login into kippy
- able to navigate to his board and
- able add draft KPIs, Projects and Milestones, against his team's objectives (just like the KPI below).

Please note, Bob is not able to Approve this KPI. Instead, his manager is notified via email to approve Bob's proposed KPI.
The manager can then navigate to Bob's board to review, reject, adjust or approve the proposed KPI.
Once approved, Bob will be notified via email to provide actuals, which Bob can do via the Scorecard screen or the Check-in microapp.

As you can see above, the KPI has a unit of 'okr', so the Check-in microapp presents an OKR-style widget. Other widgets are also available.
In this scenario, the Check-in microapp is particularly useful for 'blue-collar employees', who want to quickly and easily update the KPIs they or their manager has created - for example, via a single click on an smartphone - without having to navigate the main kippy application.
Kippy will automatically email reminders to Bob to update his KPI's when they are due.
And Bob's manager will use the Employee KPI Review screen to approve or adjust the submissions.

What else?
There's automatic locking, to ensure submissions are done in a timely manner and can only be modified by admins with the appropriate permissions.
There's multiple configurations to adjust the scoring based on the user's profile.
There's configurable workflow of related tasks and multi-manager approval.
And of course, there's always live dashboards and reports of corporate performance by every dimension - including every employee and their performance and personal goals.
I hope this helps - any questions - please contact us via the Live Chat or at
CEO and Founder
kippy - performance management ... made simple